As a part of community engagement and experiential learning, students of HKU Master of Clinical Pharmacy will be paired up with community partners to work together on health or medication education initiatives on a pro bono basis.
The scheme aims to connect the pharmacy profession and community service providers to promote health and medication safety in the local community.
All NGOs and social enterprises are welcome!
How will the Scheme work?
• Non-governmental organisations and social enterprises can submit ideas of health or medication education initiatives on or before 3 September 2020 (Thurs). (Application Form)
• For each of the submitted ideas, we will pair up one student of HKU Master of Clinical Pharmacy (Registered Pharmacist) with your organisation to work together on the proposed project
• Applicant will be notified via email of the result of pair-up by 17 September 2020
• The health or medication education initiatives can be in form of:
— Article (800-1000 words; English or Chinese)
— Training video (Up to 30 minutes)
— Educational talk (Up to 30 minutes)
— Social media posts
— Leaflet (Up to two A4 Pages)
— Information Sheet (Up to two A4 Pages)
• No limitation on the number of submissions per organisation
• Project ideas can be further fine-tuned during the co-creation process
• All projects are expected to complete on or before 30 November 2020
• All the finalised educational materials will be shared on the online resource platform via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Hong Kong License.
• The Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy reserves full right to prioritise project ideas according to relevancy to the learning outcomes of experiential learning
Role of Partnering Organisation
• Communicate and exchange ideas with the Pharmacist (student) with regards to the objectives, intended audience, format and content
• Provide feedback and suggestions to the Pharmacist and the Department on the professional content
• Evaluate the task-oriented performance and professionalism of student
• Provide support on visual design, video capturing and other technical tasks if applicable
Intellectual Property Rights
• The Pharmacist (student) and the Partner Organisation will retain the copyright in the final co-created educational material(s), depending on the actual contribution
• By participating in this Co-creation scheme, the Partner Organisation agrees to share the finalised educational material(s) via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Hong Kong License
• By submitting the finalised educational material as coursework, the Pharmacist (student) agrees to share the finalised educational material(s) via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Hong Kong License
Role of students
• Communicate and exchange ideas with the Partnering Organisation with regards to the format and professional content
• Contribute or deliver the professional content for the proposed health or medication education initiatives
Roles of the Department
• Provide feedback and suggestions on professional content created by students
• Share experiences, possible resources and ideas with the Partner Organisation and students on the health or medication education initiatives